
2015-06-29 生物谷

2015年6月29日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自美国salk 研究所的研究人员在著名国际学术期刊nature发表了一篇文章,他们发现位于染色体末端的端粒可能在细胞自我摧毁,防止肿瘤发生方面发挥着比之前预期的更为重要的作用,根据端粒的这一功能可以开发新的肿瘤治疗策略。





Cell death during crisis is mediated by mitotic telomere deprotection

Makoto T. Hayashi,Anthony J. Cesare,Teresa Rivera & Jan Karlseder

Tumour formation is blocked by two barriers: replicative senescence and crisis1. Senescence is triggered by short telomeres and is bypassed by disruption of tumour-suppressive pathways. After senescence bypass, cells undergo crisis, during which almost all of the cells in the population die. Cells that escape crisis harbour unstable genomes and other parameters of transformation. The mechanism of cell death during crisis remains unexplained. Here we show that human cells in crisis undergo spontaneous mitotic arrest, resulting in death during mitosis or in the following cell cycle. This phenotype is induced by loss of p53 function, and is suppressed by telomerase overexpression. Telomere fusions triggered mitotic arrest in p53-compromised non-crisis cells, indicating that such fusions are the underlying cause of cell death. Exacerbation of mitotic telomere deprotection by partial TRF2 (also known asTERF2) knockdown2 increased the ratio of cells that died during mitotic arrest and sensitized cancer cells to mitotic poisons. We propose a crisis pathway wherein chromosome fusions induce mitotic arrest, resulting in mitotic telomere deprotection and cell death, thereby eliminating precancerous cells from the population.